Shawn - Adam Lesar
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Employee 37
Adam Lesar


Shawn is the quiet one.  He feels content in letting Dave make a fool of himself while he laughs with the others.  Shawns house is where the gambling takes place.

Talk Back with Adam Lesar
Why were you in the movie? How did Adam convince you to be in it?

Well, considering I am Adam I there wasn't much convincing. I should make a different form for me, but oh well. I just wanted to act in film, and make a movie, so I did it.


Have you done any acting before? What and Where?

Yeah, but I'm not going to post my whole resume. Well, maybe I will, CLICK HERE for it. I do a lot of stage acting and do some film (video) acting with the GLP guys, and of course me.


Do you plan on acting in the future?

That's what the plan is. I'm going to L.A. this summer twice. Once for fun with my good pal Brent Sakry, and another time to study at TVI studio's with casting directors and working film actors. I hope to make connections and learn the bizz. Soon you'll be seeing me in other movies. Maybe even one Brent and I write.


What was the worst experience about being in the movie?

Having to get everyone to come for a day of filming. Also it was hard being the one blame always fell on. I welcome that role though and am fine with people blaming the long day of shooting on me. I don't have a great grasp of what I'm doing yet as a film actor or director etc. so the critizism is taken to heart.


What was the best experience about being in the movie?

Making a damn movie. All of it was the best experience. I wish we had a better script to work with, or had done a comedy, but it was still great. I think the best part of filming was that we would all watch the days work at the end. There were some hillarious bloopers. It was a great time.


Tell a funny story about your experience if you have one:

Ok Rich. Here's what happened. So we were doing a poker scene, and you will all see this blooper hopefully. I was betting first, with Mike to my left, then Bzdok, then rich and then tom. So I am supposed to bet, and Mike calls, Bzdok folds, and Rich is supposed to call, and Tom calls. So we get to Rich and he looks inquisitively at us. Then he says, "I stay?" Okay, so maybe he doesn't understand betting terms and crap like that.

So I tell him that he should just place one white chip in the middle when it gets to him, he doesn't even need to say anything. We get to him and he pulls another magic trick out of the bag and throws not one, but THREE blue chips in the middle! Two more times he threw one blue chip in before he finally got it right. Cheers to Rich, he makes my heart hot with joy.


Were you paid to be in the movie?

NO, that jerk Lesar still hasn't paid me my quarter, but I did end up paying the actors their salaries out of my own pocket. And thankyou to my parents, though, for providing food and other finances.


When do you think the movie will premiere?

Great. I don't think it ever will...I'm kidding, It will be done before August. That's all I can promise for sure, but I hope to get it done by my birthday, July 17th, then I could have a premiere/birthday party, that'd be great.


What is love life like for a big star like you?

Damn, this doesn't change a thing, the movie isn't out yet, that's when the real lovin comes.


How has being in the movie changed you?

It has made me more responsible since I had a lot of responsibility. Also it has made me more confident in my film making ability.


What are you looking forward to most about seeing the movie?

People's reactions. The bloopers of course. And the feeling of being's a great thing to finish something.


Would you be in another movie, and what would you like to see changed about the way we work?

I would like to see people show up on time Mr. Szafranski. He was dedicated though, probably moreso than anyone else. A combination of the two for everybody would be great. Also, we should deffinitely do a comedy next time.


Is there anything else youd like to say?

Thankyou to everyone for coming to the site. I think that the career of filmmaking is the greatest one could ever have because you never have to stop doing it. You don't get old and have to retire like sports heroes. You just re-invent yourself and continue the journey. With "Fold" the journey has begun, and I hope it never ends.