Fold Production
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Behind the scenes look at the production of Fold

Here we will give an inside look at the production of Fold and all of the surrounding details.

Production Photos

Here's some funny information about each actor in the film.  Or at least for as many as I can think of right now.
Mike Szafranski: Normally a loud mouthed giant, szafranski showed his quiet side.  So much so that we were forced to yell at him to speak louder...go figure.
Tom Kain:  Tom was the joker on the set.  He always had something to add to the end of a scene, or even when we weren't filming at all he'd turn the camera on and do his thing.
Adam Lesar:  Adam, despite being an experienced actor, was a true pro at screwing up his lines.  At least he was loud enough.
Brent Sakry:  Brent was good at laughing, and he did it, with great form, throughout the shoot, and in as many scenes as he possibly could.
Rich Sachsy:  What can I say...he's Rich.
Ben Bzdok:  Ben was very dilligent in getting things done - he put makeup on and laid on the ground for quite a long period while mosquitos sucked his blood.  Way to go Bernard.
Andy Bzdok:  Andy plays an interesting part in the film, and there wasn't really anything funny about him that I can think of.  He's Ben's brother...Wow!
Loren Ament:  Very good at acting drunk
Kristine Ang:  Oh that Oral K.
Teddy Kain:  Drank water from an old vodka bottle (that was cleaned), on camera while we all chanted, chug chug chug!
Nicole Skillingstad:  Is getting married.  Nuff said.

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