Adam Lesar
17256 Co. Rd. 9 · Avon, MN 56310 · (320)260-3464 ·
Graduated from Cathedral High School (2001)
Currently enrolled as a Theatre Major at St. Cloud State University
- Writing
One Act Play - Elevator Six (2001)
Commedia Del Arte - The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves (2001)
Screenplay - Fold (2002)
One Act Play - Elevator Six (2001)
Independent film - Fold (2002)
St. Cloud State University
Commedia Del Arte: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves - (Improvisational Comedy) Leilo (2001-2002)
Butterflies are Free Don (lead) (2002)
Ahmal and the night visitors Shepherd (2003)
Cathedral High School
One Act Play: The Gift and the Giving Police Officer (1998)
Brigadoon Stewart Dalrymple (1999)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Lumberjack (2000)
West Side Story Riff (lead) (2001)
One Act Play: Witness Window Washer (lead) (2001)
Festival of the Arts
Everyman Spirit (1999)
The Jewelry Shop Adam (lead) (2000)
The Paramount Theatre
West Side Story (contemporary) Grub (A Jet) (2000)
Mr. Pickwicks Christmas Mr. Tupman (lead) (2001)
Great River Educational Arts Theatre
Miracle on 34th Street Charlie (1998)
Grease Doody (lead) (1998)
Okalahoma Fred (1999)
GLP Productions
Movie: Bond Says No Lacky (1999)
Movie: A Thurgers Tale Cook (2001)
Movie: Iris Adam (ongoing)
Student films
Meeting Times Don (2002)
Exalted Souls (video available upon request) Tender (lead) (2002)
Lighthouse Theatre: A Christmas Carol Ensemble (2002)
"The Sean Leary Benefit" Filmed, Produced, and Edited (2001)
Awards and Honors:
Two time Irene Ryan Nominee
Marquee Award for theatre excellence (Cathedral High School)
Boys State invitee
Central Minnesota Arts Board Scholarship - Acting
Accepted into Honors Program - St. Cloud State University