Brendan - Michael Szafranski
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"The White Randy Moss"
Michael Szafranski


While Casey is the outward leader of the group, Brendan leads by example.  He is always the one to break up a fight or attempt to solve a problem.

Talkback with Michael Szafranski
Why were you in the movie?  How did Adam convince you to be in it?
My extraordinary acting skills, ravishing good looks, and overall charm aside. Wait...No those were the reasons

Have you done any acting before? 
What and Where? Adam still thinks he is my friend doesn't he? Need I say more

Do you plan on acting in the future?
If Adam stops borrowing me money for food and stuff of that sort? Sure, I think I would be ok with quitting the act.

What was the worst experience about being in the movie?

What was the best experience about being in the movie?
When Adam was gone on a trip, so we filmed without him

Tell a funny story about your experience if you have one:
There are honestly way too many. If you know us and you look at the cast won't question that we were probably not the most efficient crew ever assembled cause all we did was joke around constantly.

Were you paid to be in the movie?
I probably got about $50 worth of pizza and drinks out of it....per I can accept that as payment for future reference

When do you think the movie will premiere?
Hahahaha....good stuff

What is love life like for a big star like you?
I don't mean to toot my own horn, buuuuuut. I play the tuba, metaphorically speaking of course.

How has being in the movie changed you?
On a serious note, I have a lot mor respect for actors/actressess as well as directors and editors. A ton of hard work that takes longer than you can ever expect.

What are you looking forward to most about seeing the movie?
Seeing how well Adam did at editing. Mainly taking out my illuminous glow from being so glorious on film.

Would you be in another movie, and what would you like to see changed about the way we work?
We have all discussed this, we need a Comedy. I am a fan of Tom's idea for a black and white starring him and I. Scheduling could be a tad better, but we made it work. Oh yeah, and an idiot-proof safe for Adam. Idiot

Is there anything else youd like to say - something interesting or insightfulit can be off topic.
Here comes the cheese. Just would like to thank any and all people that helped with the pre-production, filming, and post-production of this movie you will be/are accounted for in the credits as well(made by ME). I don't regret a minute of the whole process, except for parts with Adam. Oh yeah, and Darlene is mine Tom.....mine....that is all.