Tommy - Edmund Kain
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Edmund "Teddy" Kain
Teddy smiles at cameraman's crazy antics

Tommy is Casey's Nephew and Jenna's son.  He looks up to Casey, and has a good relationship with him.

Talkback with Edmund Kain
Why were you in the movie?  How did Adam convince you to be in it?
Adam asked me to.  They needed to fill a role and I wanted to be in it so I accepted his offer.
Have you done any acting before?  What and Where?
Yes I have.  I did several shows for CMCT which included The Wind and the Willows, The Music Man, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Mr. Pickwick's Christmas, and Peter Pan.  I recently was in CHS's one act play production of The Rocking Horse Winner.
Do you plan on acting in the future?
What was the worst experience about being in the movie?
Doing scenes countless times over and over.
What was the best experience about being in the movie?
To say I was actually IN a movie and having a good time doing it.
Tell a funny story about your experience if you have one:
Well, I was at Adam's one night to shoot a scene involving Casey, my uncle, bringing me to a friend's party.  We were doing outtakes and one of them was me following Casey but being asked if I wanted a beer from a drunk male.  In this outtake I accepted the beer (wasn't a real beer) and pretended to chug it.
Were you paid to be in the movie?
Yes.  I believe it was 10 cents.
When do you think the movie will premiere?

In the 2090 when all of us are dead.
What is love life like for a big star like you?
Well, you know uh I don't have a girlfriend.
How has being in the movie changed you?

Made me a better actor and helped me get use to the camera.
What are you looking forward to most about seeing the movie?

Actually seeing it, and seeing it hopefully be a good movie.
Would you be in another movie, and what would you like to see changed about the way we work?
Yes. The things I would change?  Not procrastinating and getting the work done on time!
Is there anything else you'd like to say? 
"When I grow up, I wanna be a principal, or a caterpillar."
                                                                  - Ralph Wiggum

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