Talkback with Mitch Johnson
Why were you in the movie? How did Adam convince you to be in it?
I dig being in movies, plus I thought you guys could use a star
in the film like me
Have you done any acting before? What and Where?
yes i have, i'm known for such films as Darrin vs the Zombies,
the Yell series, and Black Magic.
Do you plan on acting in the future?
yes, now and then
What was the worst experience about being in the movie?
probably having to deal with tom and his heroin problem
What was the best experience about being in the movie?
probably the hoes
Were you paid to be in the movie?
shi* nah
When do you think the movie will premiere?
this summa
What is love life like for a big star like you?
ah if there only was one
How has being in the movie changed you?
it made me wanna jump for joy
What did you think of Rich? Could he ever win an Oscar? Explain why or why not.
yes - phenomena
What are you looking forward to most about seeing the movie?
the scene where me and kain do the eiffel tower - i hope it
makes it into the final cut
Would you be in another movie, and what would you like to see
changed about the way we work?
i would like to be in another. i would like to have a bigger
Is there anything else you'd like to say?