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History continued

...I was wrong.  In fact I was about 9 months wrong...there is no significance to the 9 months (I did not get pregnant).  I did, however, meet some people in my first year at SCSU that helped me greatly in my understanding of my script - some people I am still learning from.  So by the beginning of the second semester I was ready to do a complete re-write of the movie - cover to cover.
I was able to incorporate new characters and new idea's that I had come up with (some on my own - some with help).  My parents gave me some insight into character development (which we still need to work on), and I changed some lines to better develop the characters.
Finally, sometime in May, I was finished with my writing contribution to the script.  I wrote an outline for the opening and closing voiceover and turned over the writing responsibility to the stylings of one Thomas M. Kain.  Tom finished the voiceovers and the rest is least hopefully.

But of course I was wrong again.  I made a classically boneheaded move by locking my camera in a safe I bought to protect it...and lost the combination.  So I spent all of last semester complaining about it, which didn't help.  But we will still triumph in this project.  I got the camera out of the safe, simply by calling the company and giving them the serial number on the safe (which makes me a little uneasy).  So now I will edit the movie, and we can all enjoy Fold.

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