Talk Back With Brent Sakry
Why were you in the movie? How did Adam convince you to be in it?
It's funny that you asked about Adam convincing me, because he uh, umm,
well, Adam put a noose around my neck and said,
"if you're not in this movie,
you will regret it." Hahahaha! No, Immediately after he asked me I was very
Besides, how can any one say no to a guy like Adam Lesar?
Have you done any acting before? What and Where?
Yes, I've had
a decent amount of experience with acting: To view credits
click here.
Do you plan on acting in the future?
I would love to continue acting.
However, I'm still not sure exactly what type
of acting I want to pursue. It's possible that I will someday do children's
because I really enjoyed being with the kids in Rumpelstiltskin and in
The Sound of Music as well. But the bottom
line is, performing on stage or in
front of a camera has always been a true joy for me.
What was the worst experience about being in the movie?
A couple of
days after shooting that scene that took place at Josh's house, Adam
gave me a phone call. He said, "umm, Brent,
I don't know how to tell you this,
but uh, I have some good news and some bad news." "Alright," I replied, "What's
good news?" Adam reluctantly said, "The scene at Josh's house was great.
You guys did a really good job."
I responded, "Oh, cool. That's good to hear.
Now what about that bad news?" I could tell he didn't want to
tell me this, but
he immediately said, "I accidently recorded over that entire scene." "YOU
WHAT???" I exclaimed!
"Yeah," Adam said, "Look, Brent, I'm really sorry. We
forgot to go to the correct part of the tape before we recorded
that scene at
Luckily, about 2 weeks after that incident, Tom (since Adam was out of town)
helped Josh
and I do that scene again, and I think we did just as good of a job
with it.
What was the best experience about being in the movie?
Tell a funny story about your experience if you have one:
isn't really a story, but I thought it was hilarious how we had the
waitress at Perkins be the waitress in our movie!
Hahahahhahaha! I don't know
why, but it was so hard for me to keep a straight face when she was acting with
Were you paid to be in the movie?
25 cents baby!!! --Which means
that it is officially my first professional
acting job!
When do you think the movie will premiere?
I'm hoping that it will
premiere before June 9th; however, I'm predicting that
it won't premiere before June 27th, because Adam & I are going
on a trip right
after school ends. Furthermore, after we get back in town from our trip, we
will still have to
film a couple of scenes.
What is love life like for a big star like you?
No comment.
How has being in the movie changed you?
I think the people have made
me a better all-around person. Everyone was
delightful to be around. Also, every one made their best effort
to remain
optimistic during times that would be awfully frustrating to most people.
What are you looking forward to most about seeing the movie?
I think
the "bloopers/outtakes" following the movie will be the most fun part
about watching the finished product.
Would you be in another movie, and what would you like to see changed about the way we work?
really believe that we should do another movie together. But I think we
should do a comedy, since Fold will probably
end up being comical even though it
wasn't originally meant to be. But next time around, we all need to work more
and diligently. Also, we need to create a definite schedule, so
everyone will know exactly where they have to be
and when they have to be there.
That way, we could probably complete an entire movie by the end of the summer.
Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Any man wearing a loud vest
and a bow tie who has a moustache is an asshole.